How to Entertain Your Pet Indoors with These 5 Cold Weather Pet Activities
The weather outside is frightful, but your pet still has the same amount of energy to burn. What are you supposed to do when it’s too cold and snowy to head outside for a romp around the neighborhood? Although it might be tricky to play outside, there are plenty of activities you and your pet can enjoy inside to keep them entertained and busy through the worst of the winter.
5 Indoor Activities for Pets
1. Puzzle Games
Puzzle games engage pets by having them solve a puzzle to get rewarded with a treat. Pets love to solve a good puzzle, and you’ll be happy that they’re busy during the day. You can purchase puzzle toys from the pet store or make your own by stuffing treats in a slit tennis ball.
2. Training
When you’re stuck inside on a cold day, take advantage of the opportunity to bond with your pet and keep them entertained by working on their manners and tricks with positive reinforcement training.
3. Hide and Seek
You can play hide and seek with your pets by hiding treats and/or their favorite toys in new spots around your house. Then ask them to go find their ball, monkey, or duck.
4. Visit an Indoor Class
If your dog needs to run and burn off some serious energy, look for an indoor agility class or indoor dog park and schedule your pet for regular visits. Just be sure your dog’s vaccinations are completely up-to-date before you arrive. These types of dog clinics usually require similar vaccines as groomers and boarding facilities. So, you might need to bring a health record or health certificate from the veterinarian. This ensures your dog will be safe and so will all of his new buddies.
5. Exercise Inside
Dogs can get some indoor exercise by playing tug-o-war with you, working on chew toys, and even by playing shorter games of fetch. Cats enjoy plenty of indoor games like cat teaser, chase, and even peek-a-boo.

Take a Winter Outing to See Our Woodland Park Veterinarian
A great way to get out of the house with your pet is to schedule your pet’s wellness exam and preventative care appointment at Compassion Animal Hospital. Your pet will enjoy seeing our friendly staff and getting a change of scenery. Plus, your pet will be happy to have another year of good health!