Could Your Pet Be in Pain?

Animal Pain

Learn to Recognize the Signs During Animal Pain Awareness Month

During September, Compassion Animal Hospital recognizes Animal Pain Awareness Month by teaching pet parents how to recognize signs of pain in cats and dogs. Recognizing when a pet is in pain can be extremely difficult. In the wild, predators choose to target animals that appear sick or weak. Our pets evolved to instinctively mask signs of illness and injury, including pain. Although it’s difficult to spot, you can learn to detect subtle signs.

Learn to Recognize Pain in Your Pet

Signs of Pain in Cats & Dogs

Pain in Your Pet
Pain Unique to Cats

Signs of Pain Unique to Cats

Signs of Pain Unique to Dogs

Pain Unique to Dogs
Health Screening for Your Woodland Park Pet

Schedule a Preventative Care Appointment and Health Screening for Your Woodland Park Pet

The best way to deal with pain in pets is to prevent it from occurring in the first place. With a strong focus on wellness and preventative care, our veterinarian at Compassion Animal Hospital recommends scheduling pets for regular checkups. This will help us detect signs of illness, age-related disease, or other health problems and begin treatment before they progress far enough to cause your pet any pain. If your pet already has an acute or chronic condition, we’ll work with you to establish a safe and effective pain management plan. To learn more, contact our Woodland Park veterinarian today.